
2012年5月13日 星期日


The Top Translator~~~這位翻譯真厲害!


Canadian Citizenship Application

An immigrant from China is applying for citizenship in Canada . He is to be interviewed by a Canadian immigration officer. He does not speak English well and knows nothing about Canada . Therefore, he invited a special translator to help him in his interview.



Officer:  Do you know who was the first Prime Minister of  Canada

Translator: ( in Cantonese) The officer asked you, Where do you usually go if you want to eat hamburger?

Man: (answered to the officer) Oh..... McDonald (the first Prime Minister of Canada is Sir John MacDonald.)
申請人對著移民官回答說『噢 ! 麥當勞!! (加拿大的首任總理,叫做Sir John MacDonald.)

The officer nodded his head and then asked the second question.


Officer: Could you tell me which province you're living in now?


Translator: (in Cantonese) The officer just asked you,  What is the dirtiest thing in your nose? 


Man: (replied to the officer in Cantonese) Ah..... Bay See (which means nose dirt in Chinese) (The man lives in the province of British Columbia, commonly known as B.C.)

申請人用廣東話回答移民官說 啊鼻屎!! ! (即中文鼻子裡的髒東西) (他住在the province of British Columbia, 簡稱為B.C.廣東話鼻屎同音)

The officer nodded his head again and asked the final question.


Officer: Do you know what your privilege is when you become Canadian?


Translator: (in Cantonese) The officer asked you, How does a dog sounds like when it barks?


Man: (demonstrated the sound to the officer)... Woe, Woe. (Vote, Vote. One of the privileges of a Canadian is the right to vote.)

申請人當著移民官的面,做出狗吠的聲音;Woe, Woe!!(Vote, Vote.) 成為加拿大公民的特權之一,就是投票(Vote.)

The officer told the man that all the questions were answered correctly, shook hands with him and congratulated him that he had passed the interview to be a Canadian citizen.


這位翻譯真厲害不但英文好 反應特快 絕頂聰明 更難能可貴的就是絕對盡忠職守、滿足客戶所需物超所值啊!!