
2014年8月17日 星期日

高齡者的復健 [幽默小品]

高齡者的復健 (Rehab for senior men)
醫師替我規劃了 每日慢走的療程.
My doctor started me on a rehab exercise program.
I am walking with a walking therapist every day.
我現在才領會到 慢走的樂趣及收獲.
I never knew walking with someone else was such an incentive.
We don't talk much during the walk, though.
依醫生指示, 我的慢走治療師 保持走在我前面10公尺.
My therapist walks about 10 metres ahead of me and
Sets the pace, as directed by my doctor.              .
現在我已能不用枴杖  跟著她走27公里了.
So far, I have followed her for 27 km without
Even using my cane!
每走1公里 我覺得我的心臟越來越好,血壓和呼吸
I am feeling better each km and my heart condition,
My blood pressure and my breathing seem to be improving.
我現在要做的是  記得回家的路!
I now just have to remember the way to get home.